RimZim Cleaning Service,
01741-990726, 01936-579818

RimZim Cleaning Service

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    01741-990726,   01936-579818

Residential Pest Control

Residential Pest Control:

Gel Treatment:

Gel treatment is an internationally accepted and effective way to control pests. Gel baits are used to kill not only visible cockroaches but also treat the problem from the root. The gel is an edible product that attracts cockroaches. If one consumes the gel, it kills not only that pest but also spreads to others. Over 80% of cockroaches will be completely cleared within a week with this treatment. And the benefits; no odour, hassle free, fast eradication, no need to evacuate house during treatment.

Mosquito Control:

Mosquito control is an important practice worldwide as mosquitos are carriers of various dangerous viruses. It is not only a nuisance but also a threat to public health and indirectly, the economy. Source reduction is the most effective way of eliminating mosquitoes and can be accomplished by keeping the surrounding environment clean and free from breeding sources. There are various conventional methods of killing mosquitoes including larviciding and adulticiding but the most preferred methods are the non-toxic solutions.The advantage of non-toxic methods of control is they can also be used in Conservation Areas. K9 uses the most effective method after studying the situation, the need and the impact.

Residential Pest Control Service Reflects the importance of any kind of export-based garments, restaurants, offices, factories, house, shopping mall. Because the reputation of the buyer in this matter is very important. We have seen in our great experience that sometimes single ants have been packing with a finished product because of the huge amount of money and loss of the buyer. Keeping this issue in mind, almost every international buyer factory has a paste control condition of at least 90 days once experienced and well-known.

So this is not a matter of neglect. We invite every factor of our country to keep the reputation of the country by regularly regulating the paste Control.

Industry can be affected by too many kinds of insects and pest.

Find your infestation bellow.

• Rodent – Rat & Mice, Weasel, Squirrel etc.
• Cockroach
• Bed Bugs
• Flies
• Mosquitoes
• Termites
• Hoppers
• Snakes
• Lizard
• Ants
• Spider
• Etc.

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যোগাযোগ : 01741-990726
Email. rimzimcleaning@gmail.com

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